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Java and Bedrock edition in game feature differences

Java editionBedrock edition
Attacking has cooldown to inflict more damage
Banners can be put on shields and be marked on maps
Creepers with some potion effect applied will spread the potion effect upon exploding
Debug stick
Endermans can take baths inside couldrounds
Evokers can open doors
F3 menu
Ice blocks can be lit on fire
Mobs cannot walk over rails
Players can stand on top of boats
Sweeping edge enchantment
TNT duping
Tridents with impaling deal less damage to drowned
Turtles can mount into boats
Villagers has armour slots so using droppers they can be equipped with any wearable item
Wearing mob heads reduce the detection range of the same mob of the head you’re wearing
Wool, bows, carpets and ladders can be used as fuel inside furnaces
World hardcode mode
You can spawn the giant mob through commands
A kind of farlands called stripelands still generate
An block called invisible bedrock can be obtained through commands
Armour stand can have different poses
Armour stand can held tools
Arrows can get stuck on playerArrows will pass through player models
Baby dolphin and baby squid can spawn
Barrel crafting recipe uses slabs and planksBarrel crafting recipe uses slabs and sticks
Boat crafting recipe requires a shovel
Boats can be tied with leashes
Book and quill only shows one page at a timeBook and quill can show two pages at once
Breaking blocks range is 4.5Breaking blocks range is 5 blocks
Path block can only be obtained thought commandsBreaking paths with silk touch gives path block
Bucketing an animal with a lead will preserve the lead when the animal is unbucketed
Candles and campfires can be lit by players if on fire
Cauldrons can hold coloured water
Coloured sheared sheeps have white wool scrapsColored sheared sheeps still have colored bits on
Cooking beef will result into an item called steakCooking beef will result into an intem called cooked beef
Coularons can held potions
Couldrons will get filed with water if a water source is placed above them
Debug state piston blocks
Desert wishing wells spawn more
Droppers can throw tridents
Droppers shooting arrows are more preciseDroppers shooting arrows have a random trajectory
Elden guardian mining fatigue can be removed and avoided drinking a bucket of milk up to a minuteElden guardian mining fatigue can be removed with a bucket of milk but it will be instantly given back
Fire aspect enchanted book can be used to lit candles, campfires and TNTs
Fishing bob is 2d textureFishing bob is a 3d model
Giving animals different foods show different crumb particles
Glass panes have 2d textureGlass pane has 3 models
Horses have a teenage growing step
Husks can fit into a 2 height block spaceHusks cannot go through 2 height block spaces
In creative mode players will still die falling in the voidIn creative mode players will hit an invisible floor falling into the void
In snowy biomes tree leaves are white
Only 128 strongholds can spawn in a world and they follow a patternInfinite strongholds can spawn and they spawn randomly
Inflamed snow balls can give fire damage
Jockeys can ride animals
Last applied color layer on banner can be washed off using couldrons
Levers can only be put sideways and on the floorLevers can be put upside down
Maps can be crafted from a cartographer table
The boat with the mob inside will get pulledMobs can be unmounted from boats if pulled with a foshing rod
Naming an armour stand “dinnerbone” does nothingNaming an armour stand “dinnerbone” flips it upside down
Nitwit villager
Parrots will not dance if on shouldersParrots can dance while sitting on shoulders
Player models blink
Ravengers can only break cropsRavengers can break leaves, crops, flowers, mushrooms and turtle eggs
Retracting piston have a delay
Salmon have 2 size variantsSalmon have 3 size variants: baby, normal and big
Shipwreck can be made up with acacia wood
Shulker box can be painted by right clicking with a dye
Transparent skin models will be turned into black ingameSkin model can be transparent
Sleeping villagers are immune to falling anvils
Staring at the sun gives a black shadow around it in the sky
Stopping after flying in creative mode makes the player glides a littleStop after flying in creative mode is instant
Sugar canes can be bone mealed
Using bone meal on flowers spawn the same type of flower nearby
Vertical corals have a v textureVertical corals only goes upwards
Villagers can mount minecarts while sleeping
Water has different colors depending if it’s a warm or cold oceanWater will have different colors depending on the biome
Wither has 300 healthWither has 600 health
Wither model is blue while chargingWither model is white while charging
You can summon a bigger rabbit version /summon rabbit ~ ~ ~ GIANT which was supposed to be the original dimension of the rabbit when they were added


Parity issue list – Minecraft Wiki